This week has been unofficially dubbed "The week of hockey and dreams fulfilled". Both Laura and I won tickets to see two different Philadelphia Flyers games due to some strange vortex in the cosmos. On Monday Laura, Christian and I went to see the Flyers vs. the Devils, and sadly the Flyers lost miserably. Not to worry, we had tickets to Wednesday's game vs. the Capitols. Both Laura and I took half days off of work to go down to Philly early and see the King Tut exhibit at the Franklin Institute. We wandered around looking at ancient shiny pretty things, and were nonplussed to find that the mummified remains of the boy king were not on the premises. Instead we oohed and ahhed at the tiny sarcophagi lined with inscriptions of the book of the dead that at one time held his liver, and the doll sized chair that served as his throne when he ruled at the tender age of 9. I have always been fascinated by ancient Egypt and have wanted to see this collection for as long as I can remember. I even went to Chicago, in part to see the collection, only to find out that days earlier the exhibit had moved to Philadelphia. After seeing Tut in his last week before being moved to London, I felt I had crossed off a major "To Do" on my list. Sweet satisfaction. After visiting ancient Egypt, we toured the giant heart, and then left the museum to walk thru Rittenhouse Square and then down to Chinatown for Laura's initiation at Vietnam. We indulged in crispy spring rolls and chicken vermicelli buns, and then made our way to the Wachovia Center for the Flyers game with Steve and Alex. We arrived a little late, having missed the first period, but were still in plenty of time to make memories. Another of my life long dreams was to be on the Jumbo-tron at some sort of event. What can I say? I reach for the stars. Luckily for me, a camera man was standing by and made my dream a reality for the low price of one kiss with a gay man. Steve was a trooper, and acted the part by putting his arm around my shoulders and planted an ever so manly (aka horrible) kiss on my mouth. I laughed so long and hard, I thought I would cry. Two dreams fulfilled in one day. How did I get so lucky?

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